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Thoughts from our team...

Being a Tentmaker

February 18, 2025

From Pastor Joseph Wamack

Last Sabbath Jaime Jorge was the featured speaker/artist at both of our church services. I hope you had the chance to be there and to hear his wonderful playing and powerful words that highlighted how God has blessed and used him in ministry. I was blessed by his playing, but I was blessed more just by him as a person.

I admire people like Jaime. He is one of those people who has a “self-supporting ministry”. He has to raise his own wages and livelihood so he can go out to play and share. It is a risky way to live - if you forget Who has called you to serve. It reminds me of what is sometimes called “being a tentmaker". This expression comes from Acts 18:1-4, where it says Paul was a tentmaker, meaning he made tents to pay the bills, but his real calling was to preach the Gospel.

This view is actually too narrow, because it doesn’t see that tent making itself is a real ministry and way of witnessing for Christ. Paul was a witness when he preached, but Paul was also a witness when he made a well-made, sturdy, fairly priced tent.

In other words, it is not the case that Paul engages in tent making as a necessity so he can do his “real job” of preaching. Instead, Paul shows the many gifts and skills he has and uses all of them for Christ - in the sewing shop, marketplace, synagogue, lecture hall and prison. These are all forms of witness. Paul is living out his new identity in Christ for the sake of God’s glory and out of love for his neighbors when he preaches but also when he makes a usable, well-made tent.

Thinking that sharing the Gospel and the good news about Jesus only happens when we preach or open the Bible makes our world too small. You and I (and Jaime!) have been gifted in so many ways. If you use your warm, friendly, neighborly ways to help in the neighborhood, that is sharing the Gospel. If you help during Fellowship Meal time, to cook or set up tables, that is sharing the Gospel. If you shovel snow for someone, that is sharing the Gospel through your physical strength gifts.

When we live and move and have our being in Christ, in all we say, and do, we are sharing the Gospel. No wonder Paul said “The only letter of recommendation we need is you yourselves. Your lives are a letter written in our hearts; everyone can read it and recognize our good works among you.” (2 Co.3:2 NLT)

There is no one quite like you. Your skills, talents, gifts and life creates in you a walking, talking testimony about God, if you open up your life and allow it to be. I am glad our friend Jaime Jorge showed up on Sabbath, because he nudged me to think of the goodness of God in using us in any way possible, every day, any way, any how, any time. Your life has the Gospel written in your heart. Everyone can read it and recognize your good works.


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