But Then We Have to Say Yes
November 14, 2025

From Pastor Joseph Wamack
Hello Church Family! I hope and trust you are well and have made it through another week-with a sense of gratitude and rejoicing that you not only survived but thrived. Here is an update for you!
The Nominating Committee has been hard at work for three weeks, praying and calling and discussing and filling church ministry positions for 2025, like elders, deacons, greeters, Sabbath School teachers and golf cart drivers.
Did you know that God has gifted you for service? Ephesians 4:11-12 says, “Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.” In other words, God gives us each spiritual gifts like being a teacher or a pastor to be equipped, so we can serve. While the fruits of the Spirit are for each of us to have in common, the gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12 and Ephesians 4) are given to differentiate us, so the church has all its needs met to do service in Jesus’ name.
So the Nominating Committee, while it might seem like “work” to those who have ever done it, is actually a “holy work.” The Nom Com has the distinction and discernment and privilege to ask God- “How should these ministries we have here at MAC be filled? Who have you gifted and drawn to MAC to be of service? Lord, impress us and impress them, to say YES to the Divine Draw and pull to serve here in Jesus name.”
When I was converted as a 26-year-old, I went to the pastor and said, “How can I get involved?” I still remember the look of surprise he gave me that I had come in and asked to be given work. To me, it made sense, this was my church now. I want to be a part, not a pew sitter.
He asked me to do a children’s story, which I did even though I was petrified when it was time to do it. And before he called the children down that week, he introduced me and told the congregation I was new, but I wanted to get involved. I had three Sabbath School teachers approach me after church. I was also given the position of visiting people who had signed the guest book, and I also was part of the drama team. It felt like home to be involved.
God calls.
God gifts.
God gives opportunities.
But then we have to say YES.