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Thoughts from our team...

Change in Seasons

September 26, 2024

From Pastor Eileen States

I love fall! For many years it was because it meant the beginning of a new school year. Consider me crazy, but I loved the start of a new academic year both as a student and as a teacher. 

Living in the East I now enjoy fall for the vibrant color change, the weather change, and even the smell change. Change is not always easy. Those same lush green summer leafed trees turn into vibrant colored fall trees then on to barren winter trees and at last beautiful blooming spring trees. 

We too go through all kinds of seasons in life. Some are seasons of hard times, some loneliness, seasons of loss or other things such as financial hardships. And those seasons change us. 

Eric and I were married and in graduate school in the late 90’s. Eric’s graduate program was in Dayton, Ohio while I was studying in Berrien Springs, Michigan. We were living four hours away from each other. It was not an easy season in life for us. I found myself struggling emotionally and even spiritually.  There was a large Oak tree outside my living room window. I watched as the leaves turned colors that Fall and began to drift to the ground. One particular morning I was having a difficult conversation with God. I remember challenging Him, telling Him I was like one of those leaves about ready to fall to the ground and die. I remember watching that tree day after day waiting for the last leaf to fall. I kid you not, there was one leaf that would not give up. It stayed connected throughout those dark months of winter. (And yes, winters in Michigan are dark and dreary) By spring I was doing better so I’m not sure exactly what happened as new buds began to grow on that tree. 

This is such a picture of what Jesus does in our lives. We have seasons that are bright and beautiful and rich in life. Then we have seasons that can be discouraging and very painful. Whatever season you might be in right now, know that He is whispering to you to not let go of Him.  Allow Him to either rejoice with you in this season or carry you through this season of your life. For those who may be in a darker season of life, let me claim these verses over you today. Know that you are loved and that God is saying this to each one of you today. 

Isaiah 43:18-19

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. 

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

Church family, know that  you are dearly loved and prayed over,

Pastor Eileen


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