Do you know your neighbors?
May 30, 2024

From Jackie Payne
As I write this, I have recently returned to my parents’ house in Collegedale, TN after attending one of the seminars at Collegedale Camp Meeting on the campus of Southern Adventist University. Olivia attended the Primary program this morning (and got to see Pastor Eileen), and I sent Lucas off to spend the day at Cohutta Springs Camp with the Earliteen group. Our family enjoys attending Camp Meeting each year, and it signals the start of summer for us.
The morning seminar I attended was about friendship evangelism and what it looks like to care for the people who live right around you. I have heard many stories from some of you who do the same thing. You make it look so easy. You just connect with those who live in your neighborhood or apartment complex. Me…not so much. I am ashamed to say that I don’t have any connections to the people who live around me. I know a few names and will wave at people as they pass, but that is the limit of my knowledge and interaction.
Where do you fall in this spectrum? Are you naturally gifted at making friends with the people around you and know no stranger (I see you Kathy Turner & Jeanene Skelton)? Or are you more hesitant like me?
Today’s seminar challenged me to be more proactive at connecting with the people who live on my street, to at least start prayer walking and being open when (not if) the Holy Spirit asks me to do something.
Imagine what it would look like if we all connected with the people who live right around us? May we daily bring the good news to those around us.