Greetings from Majuro
February 12, 2025

From Pastor Eileen States
Yokwe! (translated “hello, goodbye, love” in Marshallese)
My daughter, Jaymie, has been teaching on the island of Majuro for nearly 6 months! It has been fun to listen to her stories of interactions with her little first graders. They love their “Miss Jaymie” and smother her with hugs each day. Writing lesson plans and teaching has become a bit easier as the year has progressed. Each morning she begins with all 31+/- of her students for worship, Bible, Math and a few other subjects. In the afternoon her class is split between two teachers in order to instruct on some of the harder subjects such as Science, Social Studies and Language Arts. This dividing of the class has been a tremendous help for her in managing so many little ones! Thank you for your prayers to that end.

She made it through the holidays with many special cards and gift boxes from you as church members as well as from friends and family. We were able to set up our phones via Facetime and opened presents together and even played a couple table games as a family. I love technology when it works!
Jaymie keeps busy outside of class tutoring students two afternoons a week, playing basketball and volleyball, and participating in Sabbath school and Church with music, teaching and even preaching. The staff have taken several camping trips to outer islands where they spend time learning leadership principles while growing together as a team.

I know from my own experience that serving as a missionary not only impacts the people you are there to minister to, but also one’s own spiritual journey. As Jesus so clearly modeled in His life, we were created to be others-centered and not self-centered. It’s so easy to be self-centered here in the United States. We should take time to think of ways to reach into the lives of those around us right here in the Marietta community and to creatively share God’s love and the story of His salvation to each one?
Would you whisper a prayer for Jaymie as God lays her on your mind? As she winds down this school year, I have no doubt there will be many emotions flowing through her heart. She has embraced the Marshallese people and will struggle to say good-bye in three short months from now. My prayer is that she will come home to the United States and be a missionary wherever she is.
How about we partner with Jaymie in being missionaries wherever we are planted? Will you pray for daily opportunities to share the good news of God’s love and salvation with those you rub shoulders with? God wants to answer those prayers in a mighty way and you will be blessed in partnering with Him.
Yokwe to each of you!
Pastor Eileen