To Glorify God
January 9, 2025

From Jackie Payne
As I write this, there is a winter storm advisory. Being from the South and having lived in Tennessee or Georgia my entire life, I know that one of three things happens each time we have snow/ice predicted:
1) It will play out at the meteorologists predicted
2) It will go north of us, and we will be left with really cold rain, watching as those in Calhoun and Chattanooga play in the snow
3) Things will be completely underestimated, and we’ll be doused with a foot of snow and won’t be able to leave our houses for a week
Tomorrow as things unfold, we’ll find out how this goes. How will you handle it? How will you react?
As any given scenario can go several ways, we are left to figure out how to react and handle what life throws at us. I am reminded of a sermon I watched Tuesday night by Louie Giglio, where he talked about the purpose of our lives being to glorify God. We may stress over should we do this or should we do that, but the real question is, “Does it serve to glorify God?” If the answer is yes, do that. If the answer is no, don’t do that. If the answer is either decision will glorify God, then pick which one you are naturally drawn to. Seems simple, right. I know it isn’t, but it was refreshing to be reminded that our ultimate job is to glorify God. That looks different for each person and can be accomplished in as many ways as there are humans.
So how can you glorify God today?
Take time for yourself to recharge?
Work hard in your job?
Use patient words when your mind is saying other things?
Take care of those around you with friendship and kindness?
Lead others?
Follow instructions?
Be a positive influence?
Make a good choice?
Teach others?
There are many, many ways that you and I can glorify our Lord and Savior. Take a moment right now and think of how you can glorify the Creator of the Universe today with your words, thoughts and actions (or inactions). Ask the Holy Spirit to help you glorify Him.
He is worthy of our praise and adoration.
(Stay warm!)