When You Need Shelter
June 16, 2022

From Pastor Cody Paige
It is hot outside! Gone are the days of jackets and back and forth spring weather. It’s not officially summer according to the calendar, but let’s be real it’s summer! When I leave my apartment I instantly feel the heavy almost suffocating heat. I do my best to get from point A to point B because I’m seeking shelter from the heat.
Has life ever felt like that for you? When you wake up you are instantly thrown into the fire? Has your job become oppressive? Have you had a surprise bill recently that has broken your meticulously planned budget? Has the overall temperature increased in your life?
Remember this text when you need shelter from the heatwaves of life:
“There will be a shelter to give shade from the heat by day, and refuge and protection from the storm and the rain.”
Isaiah 4:6
Sounds like Isaiah must have lived somewhere similar to Georgia.
When you need shelter, run to the cool shade of prayer. God promises protection and refreshment.
Pastor Paige